Wednesday, February 13, 2008

When they can't do ultrasounds anymore, I guess I'll have to buy a camera.

Kacey went in for another ultrasound today since last time our child didn't want to cooperate. This time it did, and they got the profile shot they wanted:

They also got a face shot that Kacey thinks kinda looks like a monkey:

I still don't think they found any prehensile tail, but I'm holding out hope.

We're still working on some names. We came up with a good one for a girl, but I haven't made it all the way through the boys' names yet; once I do, we'll compare and contrast and probably only come up with one we like.

My parents came in to visit this past weekend; we had a good time. We played a game which my brother and sister-in-law purchased for us for Christmas. Apparently my dad likes it, since he won 2 of the 3 games we played.

Other than that, things are rolling along as usual. We've had a bit more wintery weather here, but nothing we're not used to.

25 weeks done, 15 to go!



Rach said...

The face does look monkey like...or demon-like. :) What game did you guys play?

Alisa said...

Uncooperative last time, huh? They start so young... I would say that 15 weeks left doesn't sound like long, but since the next 4-5 seem interminable for me, maybe 15 is longer than I think.

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see what you guys came up with for names!

Jordan said...

The game was Carcassonne. It's somewhat hard to explain, but I think this should do some of it: