Thursday, January 31, 2008

Second Ultrasound

So here they are for all of you who have been bugging us, Alisa, we have new pics. We did have the second ultrasound and so far the baby looks healthy and just like last time it didn't want to cooperate. So we go in a few more weeks so they can finish. Only our child would not want it's picture taken, go figure. We do have some really cool pics for everyone this time, such as the one of the heart (you can see all 4 chambers),

a hand,

a foot,

and another face shot.

The interesting thing is after this ultrasound Jordan turned to me and asked again, "are you really having a baby? This is an elaborate joke you are playing me." I looked at him and said "yes dear, I wouldn't purposefully make myself vomit."

Everything is going great right now. I'm done being sick, for the time being. My coworkers say I finally look pregnant. Something about wearing big scrubs makes me not show. Who knew. Jordan is being very helpful these days which is awesome. We are almost ready to start putting together/decorating the nursery. We had to fix a small leak and moldy wall first. Love owning a house. We are also in the process of picking out names. This a lot harder than either of us thought it would be. Apparently we are very picky about what we name our child. The book we got is helping but so far we only agree on one girls name. Although there is a great list at the beginning. It's popular celebrity baby names. Yep staying far away from that list. Well so far that's what's been going on in our lives. We might have some more pics in a few weeks, months, or whenever the baby gets here. We'll see.



Alisa said...

Who, me?

Yay for new pictures! Do you think Jordan will start to believe it when he has to wake up in the middle of the night to take care of him/her?

Sara Ann said...

If it helps, I've come across a couple of neat baby names sites: the first, Nymbler, lets you input names you like and generates suggestions of other names you might like based on those. The other, Baby Name Wizard, has a function called NameVoyager that shows you a graph of any given name's popularity in the last century - which is important to know, since last September I subbed for my aunt's second grade class, and out of 18 students, two were named Madison and one Maddy.

Hope those help!

Carrie, Austin, and Abby said...

hey girl I just found this, I love the pics how exciting!
Love ya