Thursday, August 7, 2008

Back to work and more

That's right, I'm back at work. It's not that easy to just go back and leave my baby with a sitter after being with her non-stop for 9 weeks. Although I'm glad to report that she is doing great with the change, she doesn't cry when I leave her or get anxious when I pick her up. The sitter says she's easier than her daughter. I keep getting told that Caitlyn is such a wonderful baby so I guess I should believe it. We decided to go with a home day care so Caitlyn would get more one on one attention and still get the interaction with other children. There is the sitters daughter who is 6 mons old and a little boy who is 5 mons old. So Caitlyn is the youngest and gets a little more attention than the other two.
I am glad to be back at work it does give me interaction with adults at least. Besides I don't do well when I'm at home for very long even if I have a little one to take care of.
So for those of you who didn't know Jordan took a job in St Louis which started July... so this meant I spent the remainder of my maternity leave and first week of work being a single parent. Soooo not easy by the way. I don't know how she does it but every time I thought it would be safe to eat or nap or shower she'd start screaming and need to eat, be held or changed. The upside to being on my own with her, at least one, was that I set her schedule and no body has been around to mess it up. She even sticks to that schedule at the sitters house too. I also got to bond with her a lot. We started talking to each other, or really she'll start cooing and I respond then she looks at me. Although she goes back and forth like that with Jordan and the sitter, that doesn't seem fair. We have also started working on sitting up and standing. Actually she started it, she doesn't like to lay down when she's awake. She loves to stand with some one supporting her of course, and she'll sit up but when you go to lay her down because she's heavy she'll scream until you let her stand again. I tried to get to roll over but she hates being on her stomach when she's awake. She does move really good in her bed a night on her stomach so I stopped trying to get her to roll over. I have also found out that she likes to hear the song "Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes". I started singing it to her and she smiles and laughs. I've tried a few other songs but I don't get the same response with them. I love my baby.

Jordan took Caitlyn to her 2 month check up fri the 8. She must be eating very well since she's 10 lb 6 oz and 23 1/4 inches. I'm not entirely sure where she gets the height from, nor am I sure it will last. Oh well. She also got 3 vaccines. Jordan said she didn't like those at all but like a good father he said she'd be fine and didn't make a big deal out of it. She only ran a slight fever afterwards to but that went away with a little Tylenol. The doctor told us we could give her some if that happened. So a few days later and she hasn't reacted to any of them so hooray for that. Her next appt isn't for a couple more months. I'm almost afraid to see how much more weight she'll gain. She is such a good eater.

We took another trip into St Louis the past weekend as well. I'm not sure we will want to do that again. It was stressful for all of us. Poor Caitlyn was thrown off her schedule and was passed around so much she was sooo not happy. The sitter said she slept most of the day today I think she was making up for the lack of sleep she got the past few days. Anyways the reasons we went is was first Alex's 4th birthday party. Yep that's right he's 4 if you can believe that. It was good, the kids had fun and the food was yummy.

They played water balloons oh my

Opened presents

Ate Cake

Like father

like son

and played with the toys. Oh yeah and this is what we saw of dale

Over all a good party.

Another reason we went in was so that I could spend some time with my sisters and go to Tera's bridal shower. I don't have any pictures of those cuz I forgot the camera. I can tell you that Caitlyn has finally met the rest of my extended family, I think. The shower was fun even if Tera didn't want to play any games. I guess to each their own. I know that doesn't sound like it would be stressful but trying to pack that stuff in with church, seeing my best friend before she leaves, diner with family and making sure we left semi on time to make sure we made it home before Caitlyn's bed time. Oh and I forgot to mention that we took the dog with us since we didn't have any one to watch her, maybe because we forgot to ask until friday. Let's just say we learned a few important lessons about traveling with a kiddo and a dog. We'll see how well we learned them next month when we go in for Boy and Tera's wedding.
Now to end this long post with some adorable pics of our little baby.


Alisa said...

Yay, an update! And pictures! (You should probably have split that post into about 3 so I'd stay off your backs longer about updating ;) ). Pretty sad that I have to come to your blog to see new pictures of Alex, too. Caitlyn is adorable and it's only a few months now til we finally get to meet her in person!

Claire said...

VERY CUTE LITTLE GIRL! We sure have lots of cute kids in this family!!!

Kel-Bel said...

she's such a doll, I'll send you the pics I took at the shower when I get them uploaded, so where's the pic of T feeding Miss Caitlyn, I need that one