Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow, Silliness, and, oh yeah, Christmas pics.

Yep, guess it's been a bit since we posted. Here's the big news from our region right now:

Looks like we're getting in the neighborhood of a TON of snow. It's really weird to look out the window and see snow that more resembles fog in terms of seeing any sort of distance. Should make for some good sledding, though.

Caitlyn wanted George to be in her Xmas pictures:

She also had been wanting to use Mommy and Daddy's chopsticks for stir-fry for a while, so we found some that she could use without the difficulty of needing a certain level of dexterity for them:

Last time we had snow, I tried to teach her to snowboard:

Occasionally, when I work through dinner, I'll look in the fridge to see what the leftovers are. This is what I found the other night:

Caitlyn likes it when her mommy helps her build towers:

Here are a few from Xmas:

So, Caitlyn's cousin Benjamin formed a "Spider Brigade" to keep spiders out of his room. Not sure what Caitlyn was trying to accomplish with this (besides being cute), but I think she took a page out of his book:

Two-year-olds are silly:

Here's hoping the snow melts by June!



Ryan said...

Mr. Potato Elephant!

Alisa said...

Cute pictures. Very nice duck brigade!

Kel-Bel said...

LOL what no sledding pics??? where are those???