Monday, August 24, 2009

I guess it's that time again.

I know I know, we've deprived you of cute pictures of the kiddo for too long. She's increasingly active, and constantly finds ways that we need to catch up to her. She still climbs on everything she can (or that we let her.):

She loves playing with shoes. She's almost getting to the point she can put her own on:

She's been riding around on her birthday present from her Uncle Boy and Aunt Tera:

And, she's ready for the fall like I am:

She likes to go for walks, and is often ready before we are:

She also is taking to one of our pastimes:

Still working on getting the hang of it, though:

Caitlyn likes playing with Curious George:

And taking him places:

She also likes her Cabbage Patch doll:

I promise she's not emulating the way we take her places:

And, of course, she loves her books:

And her (my) coffee:


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