Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's getting closer.

That's right. Caitlyn's first birthday is June 1st. As one of my business associates put it: "The days are long, but the years are short."

Caitlyn's zooming right along the milestone chart. She's doing all of the things little girls 2 months older than her like to do.

She eats food very messily. But she does eat real food. She loves food that happens to be on my plate, and that I'm eating. Here's her first meatball:

I think she likes it. Or she likes posing for the camera. You decide:

As most kids do, she likes bubbles.

I hope she doesn't really eat them. That'll make the threat of washing her mouth out with soap less of a threat.

She does like her (my?) Caterpillar dump truck with Legos:

And why sit, when you can stand?

She does enjoy playing with others. Even her cousin:

She also enjoys playing with her mother's shoe. And mine. I found a little man from her castle in my shoe this morning. Fortunately, I found it before I put my foot in.

She does like to help around the house, which we're going to foster and develop. Just today she picked up an unnoticeable sliver of paper which was in the floor. Apparently, she does that at the sitter's house, too. We're hoping for an OCD for keeping things clean.

She also helps her mom with the laundry. She picks up clothes out of the basket:

And hands them to Kacey, whether she's ready for them or not.

Such a good helper!

Sometimes she'll just stand and stare out the window for long periods of time.

Well, not really, I was out there mowing. I can't wait to teach her how to do that. And how to fix things around the house. And basically all the chores I hate doing.

She has also figured out how to crawl up on things, like the cushiony chair which we have set at the window for the dog. She also can get down now, which is getting less scary by the day as she figures out better where to set her feet and how to catch herself.

Random cute shot:

She even wears the dog out:

This shot is pre-dive tackle:

Post dive tackle:

She's growing up fast, but she sure is cute.

We're looking forward to visiting with a bunch of friends and family at her birthday party. Let me know if I didn't send you an invite, and you want/can come to Columbia on May the 30th at noon. Sorry, Alisa, I figured you can really only handle one long trip with your boys a year, and we expect you there at Thanksgiving.



Claire said...

Very, very cute!!!! Yes, they do grow up in a hurry.

Alisa said...

She sure is cute! What?! You aren't inviting us to her birthday party?! Man....

Rach said...

Does Caitlyn have a wish list?