We all hope you had a good Easter. We had fun. Caitlyn enjoyed dying the eggs. She did almost all of them. We went to my sister's house to dye eggs with them. Caitlyn was so excited to finally wear her Easter dress. Ever since she saw it two weeks ago she has been wanting to put it on. I wanted it to not get dirty until she had to wear it so finally she got to put it on. One problem with little girls, they want to lift the dress over their heads. So of course there was a lot of Jordan and I saying put your dress down. Silly girl, but boy did she love it.
We've had quite a few changes at our house. Proof of our little girl is getting older. We've taken away her booster seat, which she does really well sitting at the table and asks to get down. That didn't take long. She drinks from a real cup and not a sippy and for the first time this weekend she took her nap with out her pluggie. Much to her disappointment, but she slept just fine with out it.
She's asserting her Independence too. She'll go into the pantry and get out crackers or some thing to eat by herself, which Jordan is not a fan of when she doesn't ask or show us what she's eating. (there is nothing she can't have within her reach so to me it's not bad) Also she can open the fridge and get the milk out, when it's half full other wise it's too heavy for her.
Oh the joys of a growing girl. As proof look at these wonderful pictures.
Potty training is going well.
What's in her cup you ask?
It's coffee, of course. She's already addicted.
She's playing in the corner while I cook. At least she's out of the way.
Side note she is soo my child. We were outside the other day working on my car and she picked up a worm and showed it to me. Plus she loves to mess up the ant hills on the back patio with her fingers. I love my kid.